Gift and Cover Equipment Series

Gray Board Slotter
Sanxing company selected outstanding products in various fields,
Ensure the quality and effectiveness of your business.
Performance features
1. 本机针对灰纸板制作礼盒时折角不美观等缺点开发出来的最新一代灰纸板V槽设备。
2. 灰纸板光滑不起毛、环保无灰尘,V槽下角料可回收,效率高、耗电量小,机型小巧美观等优点。
Technical parameters
型号 |
Model |
LQ-800 |
LQ-1000 |
最多槽数 |
Most numbers of slots |
5条 |
6条 |
铣槽深度 |
Grooving depth |
0 - 3.5 mm |
0 - 3.5 mm |
最小槽距 |
Smallest distance between the slots |
20 mm |
20 mm |
整机功率 |
Complete machine power |
1.5 kw/380V |
1.5 kw/380V |
设备规格 |
Specifications of equipment |
800 mm |
1000 mm |
纸板最大宽度 |
Max width of cardboard |
1000 mm |
1000 mm |
输送速度 |
Speed |
3 - 10 m/min |
3 - 10 m/min |
外形尺寸 |
Machine dimension |
1850*1100*1200 mm |
1850*1300*1200 mm |
重量 |
Machine weight |
800 kg |
900 kg |